Troubleshooting the Four Fields: 1. Entry

Four Fields  entry

We’re looking at how movement catalysts Nathan Shank, Jeff Sundell and Jared Houk troubleshoot each of the Four Fields of a church planting movement.

Entry is all about connecting and identifying “people of peace.”

Key Questions

  • How many targets are you tracking for engagement? (Ethnic, Linguistic, Social, Economic)
  • How many communities are engaged?


  • Do your folks know with whom they can share the Gospel among friends, family, work mates, and folks involved in their passions?

Reproducing Discipleship truth/Vision casting:

  • God loved you and saved you; God loves your family and will save your family! This is the will of God! – Acts 10:24,33,43/ 16:14-15/16:34/18:8.
  • There are men everywhere ordered by God destined for the gospel awaiting the good news: Acts 17:26-27 – ‘… he determined times set for them and the exact places where they should live… he did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him...’

Diagnostic Questions:

  • Is your prayer persistent among your oikos for God to save them?
  • Does your Gospeling match God’s desire to rescue your oikos?
  • Are your folks talking about grandchildren in the Lord?

House of Peace:

  • Where are you sharing?
  • Does venue matter?
  • What time of day has been most effective in gathering or captuing a family audience?
  • Are you asking every person with whom you share the Gospel: Where can we meet? When can meet? Who can they invite?

Reproducing Discipleship truth/Vision casting:

  • Remember the parable of the four soils! You will share with many, many folks before you find the good soil that God has prepared!
  • Look for 30, 60, and 100-fold super-spreaders!

Diagnostic Questions:

  • Are you using stories from God’s Word, Lordship issues from God’s Word, and hard sayings of Jesus to find the 30-, 60-, 100-fold persons and peace?
  • What are the signs leading for a need to ‘wipe the dust’ and move on?
  • Are you leaving room for God’s “miraculous” to find the house of peace?
  • Are your folks talking about grandchildren in the Lord?
  • How does your vision differ from common definitions of success in ministry?
  • What promises do you claim from scripture to keep you focussed and moving forward?
To find out more about the Four Fields download Nathan’s training material and listen in to my interviews with Nathan.

Next: Troubleshooting Reproducing Gospel


Troubleshooting the Four Fields: 1. Entry


Talking to Peyton and Pete on the Church Planter Podcast