Lesson #1. God led, they followed

Most of my adult life I’ve been a student of movements—especially church planting movements. This is what I learned from God did in Cape Town through David Broodryk and Peter Snyman.

For the background you’ll need to listen to my interview with David Broodryk.

What follows are seven lessons on how a local church can fuel disciple making movements.

Lesson #1. God led, they followed

David Broodryk is a sharp strategic thinker. Yet it wasn’t a strategic plan that got him to the Cape Town airport. God unsettled him. He was in a place of dependence, actively waiting for the Spirit to open a door. Independently, Peter Snyman was unsettled about his church’s effectiveness in making disciples. God brought these two men together. To Snyman, he validated Broodryk’s role as a movement catalyst. To Broodryk, he identified Snyman as someone who was worth investing in.

The journey began.

Next: Lesson #2. They formed a partnership


Lesson #2. They formed a partnership


Lesson #1. God led, they followed