Lesson #6. They built momentum

The sixth lesson on how to help an existing church fuel disciple making movements.

For the background you’ll need to listen to my interview with David Broodryk.

Lesson #6. They built momentum

Turning a church of 3-4,000 people around takes time and time erodes vision. To build momentum vision had to be validated by action. Snyman and his teams gathered stories of people who were far from God becoming disciples of Jesus. This kept everyone motivated during the long haul of transition.

People could buy in at their level of readiness and availability. Not everyone accepted the new direction. Not everyone was ready to go into the community and make disciples. But Snyman was determined not to generate opposition and division by expecting everyone to come on board at the same pace and level of commitment.

Lastly, Lesson #7. They multiplied workers


Lesson #7. They multiplied workers


Lesson #6. They built momentum