411 Training with Troy, Josh and Puck

Troy Cooper trains Josh and Puck in 411.

411 answers  4 questions in 1 hour on 1 piece of paper:

  1. WHY make disciples? – Identity (2 Corinthians 5:17-21)
  2. WHO to share with? – Oikos map (John 17:20; 2 Tim 2:2)
  3. WHAT to say? – Your 15-sec Story + 3 Circles + Follow Up
  4. WHEN to obey? – Controllable Goals (Matt 7:24-26)

[ed. Should that be “WHO to share with" or  “with WHOM to share”? I know Troy is a stickler for grammar.]

Follow along with Troy’s 411 presentation slides.

Download the 411 Training App by Greg Rohler: Android or Apple


Can anyone translate this for me? It's in Troyspeek


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