Can anyone translate this for me? It's in Troyspeek


This text just came in from a guy called Troy somewhere in Mexico. 

PRAAAISE!! Jesus is moving in Monterrey, Mexico & mightily using our South FL bro Agustin "Oggie" Martin who led the entire 2-day training in Spanish last weekend.  

This city/area ravaged by drug cartel since 2009 w unspeakable violence--super broken place!!  We arrived late Thurs & early Fri modeled in harvest w 2 pastors & saw 4 households come to faith. 134 trained Fri night & had 60+ all day Saturday including 6 pastors & lead apostle. Said they've praying/fasting for a simple, effective training to apply & share w others.

During 1hr HoP search, 30 homes engaged & 24 households came to faith!!!!! The harvest is PLENTIFUL!!!!! Oggie is there this week to MAWL leaders w training, harvest, follow-up, the commands & church starts. The pastors have released baptism & want to start churches (baptism already multiplying in the harvest).  

They have vision for their city, Mexico & the nations.  They’re so so excited a team came to build the Kingdom & show them how to do it themselves!!! Oggie is leading 2nd 2-day training at different Monterrey location this weekend & swarming w fruitful folks from last weekend. He's also bringing some of these new trainers w him to swarm Costa Rica next month for 1st Christian Surfer touch. He's a BEAST!!!!

Been praying/fasting for this Spanish-speaking leader in South FL! Praise Jesus! He provided!! I'm amazed by what God is doing there.  This place is RIPE--both harvest & local church!  I'm overwhelmed, praising Jesus & learning!! Pls continue to pray! 

How viral is your method of multiplying disciples and churches? Can it jump borders and cultures? 


New Wine National Gathering 2016


411 Training with Troy, Josh and Puck