Rodger's story

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Tomorrow I’m launching a campaign for a much needed overhaul of the Movements blog and podcast.

To help promote the appeal I’m after stories of the impact the blog and podcast for people in the field.

This one came in from Rodger. Rodger and his wife Megan (above) are missionaries to Houston:

About two years ago in the Summer before my senior year of college, I wasn't being trained in person regularly on 4 Fields principles and tools. All I had learned in person was one event training and I had been taught to prayer walk in college after coming to Christ. But I listened to every one of your podcasts.

When I listened to one of the first Fred and Melissa Campbell I figured I could use that "burrito strategy" to reach my apartment complex. It went okay, but God really started to show up while using the next year.

I started a training group with some friends to teach them the same entry strategy. Two of them formed another group to train their friends and then they went to reach their middle-class neighborhood. Using the burrito strategy (though with cookies instead of burritos) they started a discovery Bible study with a couple in their neighborhood and eventually was able to baptize them and they are still meeting today a year later for discipleship!

So I guess you could say that was a 3rd gen group started using things learned almost exclusively from your podcast!

PS: This all took place in Raleigh, NC, USA. I also would strongly advocate that people get trained in person on 4 Fields stuff instead of doing what I did, but the podcast definitely taught me and encouraged me to know that there was a greater No Place Left Coalition that I joined as a full-time missionary in Houston, TX upon graduating college.

If you’ve got a story of the impact of the blog and/or podcast send it in via the Comments section below or send me an email: my first name


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