Help get the message out

2016 08 10 SteveAddison

An important thing I do is spread the stories and the lessons of Movements that multiply disciples and churches around the world.

Ten years ago when no-one would publish my first book on Movements I set up this blog and began to get the ideas out any way I could.

Today this blog attracts 10,000 visits each month from 100 different countries. The Movements podcast has just published its 120th episode and reached 100,000 downloads.

We never dreamt of such a global impact. Here’s part of an email I received from Cameron,

I live in a closed country in Asia. I’ve been learning the language for nine months and I’ve started doing the things you talk about.

What your work does for us in the field is unique. It's new, fresh and comes from practitioners. It keeps me thinking, helps me stay sharp as I work things out here. I always look forward to reading the next blog and listening to the next podcast. I even look forward to long bike-ride commutes so I can re-listen to them!

To continue to serve pioneers like Cameron we need your help.

After ten years the blog and podcast need a major overhaul and rebuild. It will cost $10,000 Aussie dollars.

You can give through MOVE by following this link. If you’re in the UK you give here and we’ll claim any gift aid.

UPDATE: On the MOVE site you can write “Addison” as the worker or project name.


121-Steve gets personal


Rodger's story