Hema’s Story: Groceries, Gospel and Grace

Another story from my visit to South Asia…

When Covid hit South Asia thousands who relied on their employers for housing found themselves on the streets without food, water or shelter.

Many had moved to the city for work and had family back in the villages.

They thought, “If I can get home I can live off the land”. Often home was hundreds of kilometers away. Many died trying to escape the cities on foot in the intense heat of summer.

The disciples responded with the gospel and groceries. Rahul and Aisha were distributing food, praying for people and sharing when they met Hema. She had cleaned and cooked for a family. They panicked thinking, “What if she infects us? She’s another mouth to feed and we don’t have enough for ourselves.” So Hema was on the streets without an income and nowhere to go.

Rahul and Aisha invited her home to live with them. Through Rahul and Aisha, Hema found Christ.

Soon after, Rahul suggested they call the family who had kicked out Hema to see if they needed food. Hema called them and they went over with a food kit and shared the gospel. Hema offered her forgiveness and they turned to Christ.

Today a church meets in their home.

Steve Addison

Steve multiplies disciples and churches. Everywhere.


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