Temple Calling

John and Rachel were on an exploratory trip to South Asia, seeking God’s will for their future. In the area they were considering there was a centuries old temple dedicated to the god Krishna.

The ancient temple was in a small town that attracted thousands of pilgrims to mark Krishna’s birthday. The idol was surrounded by priests and devotees. Clouds of incense and the sounds of singing filled the temple as they bathed and dressed the god.

John and Rachel stood in the middle of the crowd.

As the worship reached its crescendo, Rachel wept for a people lost in darkness who worshipped a god made out of stone with a painted face. Her tears flowed and drew the attention of the people around them. It was time to leave.

As they made their way to the entrance, a young woman approached Rachel and in perfect English asked her why she was crying at such a happy event. Outside on the steps of the temple, Rachel explained her tears and then shared the gospel. The young woman responded, “I’ve never heard anything like this before!”

That morning Rachel had prayed, “Lord I don’t know the language here, but somehow let me share the gospel today.” God had answered her prayer and given her and John the confirmation of their calling to South Asia.

Steve Addison

Steve multiplies disciples and churches. Everywhere.


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